Gynecomastia Correction / Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia correction, reduction mammaplasty, or male breast reduction, is an elective procedure that reduces abnormally enlarged or over-developed breast tissue on men, known as gynecomastia.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is fairly common and is the most common benign affliction involving male breasts.

During certain stages of development, following birth or during puberty, it can actually be expected for there to be some enlargement of breasts on newborn and adolescent boys, which commonly resolves without any treatment or intervention.

However, enlarged male breasts can occur at any age, outside of these briefly expected and self-resolving circumstances. This can be the result of genetics and hormonal imbalances, and also influenced by the use of certain medications or substances such as steroids, herbal supplements or recreational drug and alcohol use. In certain cases it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition.

Is Gynecomastia Bad or Harmful?

While not typically physically dangerous, gynecomastia can nonetheless be a substantial source of displeasure, self-consciousness and emotional distress for men suffering from enlarged breasts. Men experiencing gynecomastia often feel shame or embarrassment and avoid certain activities or being seen shirtless.

In some cases, gynecomastia can also cause physical discomfort, tenderness, or pain.

Of course, in cases where the enlarged male breasts are the result of an underlying health condition, disorder or malignancy, it could be a sign of something bad or dangerous, so Dr. Wolf will perform a full health evaluation to identify your full health needs – not just limited to the cosmetic aspect.

Male Breast Reduction Treatment Options

Gynecomastia is often not entirely resolved by weight loss due to the addition of excess glandular tissue present, and is instead often addressed through a gynecomastia correction or male breast reduction surgery.

Enlarged male breasts treatment can vary somewhat based on an individual patient’s body and needs. In many cases, liposuction is very effective to achieve male breast reduction and a customized liposuction procedure may be all that is necessary to achieve your desired result.

This type of male breast reduction treatment is generally long-lasting or permanent, though there can still be future effects from weight gain and lifestyle habits, so it’s important to follow a healthy lifestyle following your procedure.

During your personal consultation with Dr. Wolf, you will be able to discuss your individual needs and goals and determine the best, most effective treatment for you.

Recovery from Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Recovering from gynecomastia correction surgery is generally fairly quick and tolerable. Most patients are able to return to work or school within only a few days, and to a normal exercise within a few weeks.

Following the procedure, you will typically wear a garment to provide support and reduce swelling. Be sure to follow all of Dr. Wolf’s post-surgical instructions to speed the healing and recovery process and support the best result from your procedure.

Your exact recovery time may vary slightly based on your unique procedure and body. During your consultation, Dr. Wolf can provide you with more detailed expectations and guidelines based on your individual procedure and health situation, and answer any specific questions you might have.

Male Breast Reduction Consultation

If you are experiencing enlarged male breasts and are looking for suitable treatment options, the next step is to set up your personal health consultation directly with Dr. Wolf.

During your consultation, Dr. Wolf will rule out other possible causes, disorders, or underlying health concerns, and determine what treatment options will be most effective for you to best achieve your needs and goals.

To schedule your male breast reduction consultation, call (937) 839-4681 or contact us online.

About Dayton OH Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf