Understanding Facelift vs. Neck Lift – Which Do You Need?

If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of loose, sagging skin below your chin and along your neck, you might be considering a cosmetic procedure popularly referred to as a “neck lift” – or, by its official name, rhytidectomy. This procedure removes the excess fat and skin that produce the jowls and sags commonly referred to as “turkey neck” or a “turkey waddle,” tightening sagging areas and restoring a smoother and more aesthetically-pleasing contour to your lower face, chin and neck. For suitable candidates, a neck lift can dramatically improve the appearance of the face and neck, producing a more consistent and more youthful appearance and effectively “rewinding” some of the negative effects of aging and, unfortunately, gravity!

Many of our patients who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their neck and chin assume that a “neck lift” is the procedure that will target their concerns – after all, it’s right in the name! And, it makes perfect sense with the increasing popularity, coverage and buzz around neck lift procedures. However, is a neck lift practical or achievable without also addressing the other parts of the face? You certainly don’t want to end up walking around looking unnaturally mis-matched!

As it turns out, it depends. As with all cosmetic procedures, the ideal procedure – or combination of procedures – as well as the expected achievable results differ a bit between every patient’s individual body, situation, goals, health conditions and a number of other factors. This is actually a good thing, as the right skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon can evaluate and work specifically with each individual patient’s needs and goals to produce the ideal result for them. After all, you wouldn’t want just some generic solution for something as unique, personal and important as your face, would you?

Additionally, with neck lift specifically, there are some further aspects that can determine which approach will be most suitable for someone. Since the complaints that drive people to consider a neck lift – excess skin and fat, sagging jowls – can be the result of genetics, weight gain/loss as well as aging, only some people may benefit from a “neck lift” without a full facelift. Others may require liposuction of the neck, and, for many, a combination face and neck procedure may be the necessary approach to produce desirable results that look consistent and appealing.

Fortunately, Dr. Wolf has over two decades of experience helping patients meet their unique aesthetic goals and to both look and feel great after their cosmetic procedures. During your initial consultation, Dr. Wolf will meet and work one-on-one directly with you to discuss your hopes and expectations, evaluate your medical needs and determine the best way to help achieve your goals in a safe, sustainable and satisfactory way! Take the next step – call us at (937) 839-4681 or request your consultation online now!

About Dayton OH Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf